If you’re someone who suffers from IBS, has problems with digestion or gets bloated or gassy then you might want to try a low-FODMAP diet.
What is FODMAP?
FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates (or sugars) that some people have a hard time digesting - Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These undigested FODMAPs are what cause the bloating, gas, pain, constipation, diarrhea and other IBS symptoms.
What is the low-FODMAP Diet?
All foods have a FODMAP value, making them high or low in FODMAPs. The low FODMAP diet aims to cleanse your digestive tract of all these undigested FODMAPs and allow your inflamed or irritated bowels to rest and repair. Following this diet, you would eliminate all high FODMAP foods from your diet for a 4-6 week period or until you are symptom-free. Once you're symptom free, we would trial foods from each of the 5 FODMAP groups to test your tolerance.
How do I go about starting this diet?
I wouldn’t suggest just printing a low fodmap list off the internet and cutting all these foods out of your diet - you will likely cause more harm than good doing it this way. Consult with someone who is knowledgeable in the low FODMAP diet and has helped a lot of people with this diet. It will be a change and you will have to cut some things out of your diet for a month or two so some guidance will really help. If you can, also get a low FODMAP meal plan designed to help you follow this diet and give you some healthy meal and snack ideas.
To learn more about the low FODMAP diet our Low FODMAP Program, visit our website www.danihealth.com or email me for more information.
"After months of crazy "diets" trying to figure out how to manage my IBS, I am finally on a meal plan that not only makes me feel better, but also tastes amazing! thank you. Rachel B.”
"The fructose challenge went VERY well. Hurrah! I love mango! It was so nice to have have honey and mango again, and to feel so good. I've had to replace a couple of pairs of jeans because of the weight loss too. AND I ran 10 km for the first time in about 3 years on Friday. So things are looking great! Thanks for the great program.Vicky K."
"I'm shocked at how much better my IBS is. I was really worried about all the raw vegetables since they were such a huge trigger before - at least that's what I thought. I'm feeling so much better overall, the IBS isn't gone yet, but it's certainly much better. Thank you so much!!! Susan C."