Try this at Home...
Make a list of 5 things you’d like to do for your health today. Choose things that you know you'll have time for. I usually pick 1 or 2 I know I'm going to do anyways or have already done so I can check them off my list right away. I also pick something I'm working on or what to try.
Do this for 7 DAYS and see how you feel by the end of the week! If this works for you, keep going.
To get started:
- Start today, not on Monday.
- Only write down 5 things
- Make one of your 5 easy, something you can do in less than a minute.
- Choose one thing that is a little harder for you, something you’re working on or want to try.
- Tomorrow, make another list of 5 things. A lot of these might be the same every day and that's good because soon it will become a habit.
"We accomplish big things by consistently doing small things every day."
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Take my vitamins
Exercise for at least 30 minutes
Drink more water
Eat 1 cup of vegetables at lunch and dinner
Bring snacks with me to work - almonds, 2 pieces of fruit
Stretch for 5 min when I wake up
Drink some warm water in the morning before my coffee
Eat breakfast before I have coffee
Eat spinach today
Make a dentist appointment
Make a smoothie
Write down what I eat today
Take 15 deep breathes
Whatever makes you feel good and gets you doing something good for your health is what you should put on your list.
Try it. Have fun with it, and let me know how you did!