January can be a time when people feel “down”. The weather, work, school and holiday hangover can have us feeling a bit blue.
Check out these 7 Easy and Natural Tips to boost your energy and your feeling of well being:
- Get some Vitamin B - Even marginal deficiencies of the B vitamins have been associated with irritability, depression, and mood changes. If this sounds like you, be sure your diet is stacked full of foods high in vitamin B6 such as meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, bananas, and potatoes.
- Eat a Banana - As well as boosting physical energy levels, bananas have a beneficial effect on mental and sexual energy. Bananas are stuffed full of serotonin, a feel good, mood lifting substance that peps you up, and dopamine, which is important for emotional balance.
- Get some Vitamin D - Low sun levels mean it's harder to get the vitamin D your bones need to stay healthy. Eat food rich in vitamin D, including oily fish, egg yolks and margarine. A daily supplement (1000IU) might also be recommended.
- Drink a Smoothie or Green Juice – Besides being great for your body, I always find I’m “happy” drinking a green juice knowing it’s chalked full of nutrients. Grab a fresh squeezed green juice and feel happy knowing you are taking care of your body.
- Deep Breathes – We can walk around stressed out and holding our breath. Even 1 minute of deep breaths and a shoulder stretch in the hallway can reset us, giving us a calmer feeling.
- Cut your portion size – If you deliver a big meal to your stomach, your body will centre it's energy on digesting all that food. Without a doubt this will make you more tired and drain some of your energy. Instead of 3 big meals, spread it out into 5 or 6 small meals and snacks.
- Omega-3s - Omega-3s can elevate mood and reduce depression. Fatty fish and fish oil supplements should be part of your winter diet. However, it does take time—several weeks—to benefit from dietary omega- 3s, so get started now, be a bit patient, and look forward to feeling better and having more energy!