We all say Halloween candy is for kids, but it’s hard not to reach for a piece — or seven — once it’s in your house. Here are a few tried-and-true tips to keep your candy binge in check this Halloween.
1. Hold Off On Buying Candy
Buy candy as close to Halloween night as you can. Having treats in the house is a huge temptation, and can cost you extra money if you have to go buy more.
2. Buy Less Candy, Give Out More
Buy less than you think you will need. This will help you avoid having leftovers hanging around the house. If you find that your Halloween candy bowl is still full as the night goes on, start handing out more candy to each costumed kiddo that rings your doorbell. They’ll be thrilled, and you’ll be saved.
3. Buy the Stuff You Like the Least
One simple way to prevent yourself from eating leftover candy is to buy stuff you don’t like. Buying what you don’t like will make you less likely to indulge and reduce the urge you have to sample treats as you hand them out on Halloween.
4. Eat Well
Sugar cravings can strike when you’re hungry and haven’t consumed enough fuel to keep your blood sugar in balance. Eat protein and fiber-rich meals in the days before and after Halloween. It’ll make you feel less tempted to create a dinner out of mini candy bars.
5. Pick one
Mindless eating is a good way to eat way more than you mean to — whether that’s nuts, chips, or candy. Rather than sitting in from of your TV munching your way through a bag of chocolate, pick the one piece of candy that you most want to eat.
6. When temptation hits, brush your teeth (or chew gum)
When you get the urge to unwrap handfuls of Halloween loot, a quick brush or piece of gum can be enough to curb the craving.
7. Chuck it
After Halloween, ask your kids to choose their favourite treats and then donate or throw away the rest. The longer treats stay in the house uneaten, the more likely you are to give in to temptation.
Adapted from: How to Avoid Eating All That Leftover Halloween Candy October 31, 2016