I see quite a few people with heart conditions, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Many clients feel they need to cut out every source of fat, and the diet has to be very bland. This isn’t the case. In fact, this often works against them as they have would have a hard time staying on the diet.
I’ve attached an example of a heart healthy day of eating. See link below. (Please be advised if you do have a heart condition, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, you should consult with a Dietitian to make sure a meal plan is right for you before starting one).
One-Day Example of a Heart Healthy Meal Plan
A few things to point out using the Nutrition Facts table on the Meal Plan.
Cholesterol is below 200 mg (Main sources of cholesterol are meat and eggs)
Saturated fat is low (3%). (Main sources of saturated fat are meat and cheese)
Sodium (salt) is below 1500 mg (Main sources of salt beyond the salt shaker are processed food and eating out)
Fibre is above 30g (including 10g of heart healthy soluble fibre)
A few things to point out about the food and structure of the meal plan
Oats (oat fibre) helps lower cholesterol
You are eating a lean meat (chicken), low in saturated fat.
The day has a high amount of protein and fibre spread throughout the day, with 3 small meals and 2 snacks to help balance blood sugar levels, speed metabolism and keep binge eating in check.