Do you know what the ideal body weight is for a person of your height, frame size, and gender?
10 factors that should be used in determining your ideal (or maintenance) body weight:
Current Diet and Exercise Routine
Your BMI or Body Mass Index. (An ideal BMI is 18.5-24.9)
Take your Waist Circumference (WC). Women want a WC 0.9 or less
Physical assessment: Frame size, bone structure and muscle mass
The weight you were able to maintain for a number of years in the past
A weight you remember feeling really good at
Your personal weight goal
To get an idea of your ideal body weight, answer the questions below and email me with the Subject line: Ideal body weight?
Female or Male:
Frame (small, medium or large):
Small, medium or large frame? If you don’t have a measuring tape you can use this simple (less accurate method):
Grip your wrist using your thumb and longest finger.
If your finger and thumb don’t touch you are a LARGE frame.
If your finger and thumb just touch you are a MEDIUM frame.
If your finger and thumb overlap you are a SMALL frame.